Reifen Müller retreading

These customers already appreciate the quality of RM Rundererneuert

Our high-quality and sustainable products are manufactured regionally in our state-of-the-art retreading plants in Hammelburg and are ideal for the following industries:

Merry Christmas!


Traditional Christmas donation to the "Elterninitiative Regenbogen für leukämie- und tumorkranke Kinder Würzburg e.V." (Rainbow Parents' Initiative for Children with Leukaemia and Tumours) 

For 20 years, the company Reifen Müller from Hammelburg has been supporting the valuable work of the Elterninitiative leukämie- und tumorkranker Kinder Würzburg e.V. (Parents' Initiative for Children with Leukaemia and Tumours).

Once again this year, Reifen Müller GmbH & Co. KG and Reifen Müller GmbH & Co. Runderneuerungswerk KG are once again foregoing Christmas presents for customers and business partners and instead donating €5,000 to Station Regenbogen.

Savings per tyre, oil, steel...

CO2 emissions
0 kg

That's why retreaded tyres!

Every truck tyre we retread saves around 135 kg of CO2 emissions in the manufacturing process compared to new tyre production.

Source: Ecological assessment of retreading - Final documentation Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT (published on 6 July 2022)

Our products

We produce only the highest quality retreaded truck and light truck tyres in our state-of-the-art retreading plants. Choose from our wide range of cold retreaded and hot retreaded tyres in various processes. We will be happy to find the optimum solution for you and the requirements of your fleet.
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Our works

We retread truck and light commercial vehicle tyres using cold and hot processes in our two state-of-the-art plants in Hammelburg. We are proud of our seamless quality control, making us one of the leading tyre retreaders in Europe.

The choice is yours: we are happy to offer you the retreading of your own carcasses. Of course, you also have the option of purchasing our retreaded tyres for your fleet.
Discover works now

Professional tyre repairs

A damaged tyre does not always have to be replaced, but can often be professionally repaired. This saves resources and money at the same time. In our repair workshop, our specialist vulcanisers inspect defective tyres and, if possible, repair them professionally. This service is not only worthwhile for truck tyres, but especially for tyres in agricultural use or very large earthmover tyres.
Learn more

Our offer for you!

New in the range

H-Y 303 Work

H-Y 303 Work

  • New, modern successor to H-Y 3 for mixed use
  • Full mould renewal using the hot process
  • Length-orientated profile design for smooth running
  • Less rolling resistance than the H-Y 3
  • High mileage thanks to high-quality compounds
  • Good self-cleaning
  • 305 mm wide tread
  • Tread depth: 16.5 mm
  • Perfect appearance, like new tyres
  • 3 PMSF identifier

The Reifen Müller principle

The quality of our products is our top priority.
That is why we are proud of our Fivefold quality assurancewhich makes us the leader in Europe:

Incoming goods inspection

Direction Arrows

Visual inspection (nail hole detector)

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Surface inspection and side wall inspection after mechanical roughening

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Pressure control

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Final inspection (shearography)

This enables us to guarantee the first-class quality of our products, which is comparable to premium new tyres.

Reifen-Müller GmbH & Co. Runderneuerungswerk KG - Image film

Reifen Müller

